5 of the best wedding films to binge watch!

Wedding planning is a serious task and we understand it can get on top of us all at some point during the planning process.

SO… with that in mind, this week’s a fun one, our advice to you is to take some time out of all your wedding planning and binge watch some wedding related classics!! It’s like homework right?!


Top of my list has to be the hilarious Bridesmaids. With a laugh a minute, this rom-com about a maid of honour and a bridesmaid fighting it out to claim the title of the bride’s best friend is sure to put a smile across your face! There’s a few things we can learn from it too, like how not to eat at a dodgy taco restaurant when you’re due to go wedding dress shopping (cringe) - we all know the scene I’m on about I’m sure! A hilarious film that you’ll happily watch over and over again.


A film with a young Julia Roberts at the peak of her rom-com career, this 90’s classic about a woman who’s long time friend tells her he’s engaged, she realizes she’s always loved him and decides to try and win him for herself just days before the wedding. Fighting off an equally young Cameron Diaz who appears to be the ‘perfect’ woman, Robert’s character sets out to break off the wedding. You’ll find yourself rooting for her but will she get her man and get to live happily ever after?!

27 DRESSES (2008)

“Always a bridesmaid, never the bride” is literally the lead character. With Katherine Heigl’s character ALWAYS single and ALWAYS just the bridesmaid, will she ever find love of her own? One thing that did always bug me about this film though, is who knows 27 people that would ask them to be their bridesmeaid anyway? That is a LOT of hen parties! Cue the ugly dresses…


Ok so maybe this isn’t quite how you’d like your husband-to-be to spend his stag do but it sure is one of the best feel good comedies out there that you can watch together over and over again. So grab the popcorn, a beer and join the wolfpack - you’ll be howling your way through (quite literally) from one to the next. Maybe you’ll find yourself writing up a list of stag do don’t for your husband-to-be’s groomsmen along the way haha!


An absolute classic!! This one just had to make it on the binge watch list. Even at almost 30 years old, this film still manages to tug on the heartstrings. It reminds us just how important ‘our’ special day is to not just us but to our loved ones too. Bringing you all the emotions a wedding and the planning of a wedding brings, this film is filled with love, laughter and tears. No matter your age, you’ll always be your daddy’s ‘little’ girl!

Now go get the popcorn, a glass (or bottle) of wine, your hubby-to-be, even your gal pals or simply have some ‘you time’ and get binge watching these favourites to take your mind off some of your wedding woes!

Recharge and refresh!

it’s good for the soul…

Once you’ve finished with these and are ready to get back at it, then check out the rest of our wedding advice pages for tonnes of help!

Join us over on Instagram for some more Wedding fun…

Olivia Gray


Olivia is part of the Sparth House owning family. Over the past 6 years, she reimagined and redesigned how the House hosts weddings. With nearly 300 Sparth House weddings under her belt, her goal has always been to achieve the most personalised day for each couple

Her favourite moment of a wedding? “The moment I share with each bride before they walk down the aisle, I get chills every time!”

Where will you find Olivia? “Working with a cup of tea or glass of wine (or both!) in hand.”


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