12 Days of Wedding Planning


As I mentioned on day 4, day 5 is all about the dreaded B word, it might not be fun or sexy but it is definitely necessary to pen your wedding budget to give yourself a frame to work within. With 16% of couples stating staying within budget was the part of their wedding they stressed about, it is a necessity to get yourself organised.

“But how?” I hear you say, well that’s where we come in…


Three things we swear by:

  1. Weddings can be expensive so working to a budget and sticking to it is crucial - download our Wedding Tool Kit below and use it keep a track of everything!

  2. Be realistic about how much you can save for it and work out a figure that suits you.

  3. Remember those priorities lists you made yesterday - keep them to hand to stay on track.

Did you know on average your wedding venue will take up a whopping 52% of your wedding budget. Yes 52%, so pick wisely! It obviously includes a lot; food, hire, drinks, staffing, decoration, the list goes on but be careful if your venue is reaching over the 52% mark. The average cost of wedding venues that include food and drink within their packages cost £7966. I personally believe this is a little high, our weddings are closer to £6300 on average. It will obviously depend on location, venue, time of the year, guests numbers so don’t panic if you are thinking your budget can’t cope with that.

We mentioned it a couple of days ago for the budget conscious couples out there, that day of the week and time of year should massively help you in reducing your costs. Also rethinking your guest list can literally drop thousands off the price.

The lovely folks over at Bridebook every year create an amazing report for wedding suppliers so we have tried to pull bits of information from there to give you more of an idea.

So get your paper and pen at the ready…


    • Wedding Dress: £1193

    • Menswear: £628


    • Photography: £1110

    • Videography: £1016


    • Florists: £676

    • Decoration: £629


    • Celebrant or Toastmaster: £429

    • Music Entertainment: £915

    • Non Music Entertainment: £515


    • Favours: £137

    • Stationary: £222

    • Transport: £432

    • Wedding Cake: £290

    • Make Up Artists: £213

    • Hair Styling: £227

    • Wedding Jewellery (including engagement ring): £2976

Hopefully this helps, not every cost is noted above but gives you a great ball park figure for suppliers. Remember as well that dependant on your venue packages, some of these costs would be void. Plus just like the venue, price dependant on your numbers and location your costs will be lower.

Thank you once again to the fabulous Bridebook that recorded all of these really helpful wedding facts.

Budget - done! Phew! We can’t wait to see you again for the next step because now the trickier stuff is out of the way, it’s time for the fun to really start… next stop for our 12 days of wedding planning success is all about your wedding style!

If you like what you see so far, then we’ve plenty more for you…



Wedding Coordinator

Our lovely Katie comes from a fashion background, so not only very creative and organised but super passionate about weddings. A winning combination!

She loves it when couples push the boundaries and try different ideas for their weddings, so don’t be scared to ask her to create any weird and wonderful concepts you may have!

What is Katie’s favourite part of a wedding? “When the wedding couple come out of the ceremony room once they are married, they are so happy and it’s lovely being one of the first people to congratulate them!”

What else should we know about Katie? She is a Mum to some very cute kitties!


