12 Days of Wedding Planning


With your important planning jobs ticked off the list, it’s time to let the fun parts begin! Today is all about exploring the world wide web, searching for ideas and spending far too much time scrolling, liking, saving and pinning! Lets get started…


Today is quite simple really - a day for you to have a bit of fun heading down a few social media rabbit holes, dreaming about your perfect day and falling in love with so many different wedding styles and ideas. Trust us when we say there are so so many out there. You’ll probably start the day with an inkling of what you want your special day to look like and come out at the end with a whole new idea! But that’s what makes it so fun!

TOP TIP: Don’t be too hung up on trends. Search for and ‘Like’ things because you actually like them not because some website told you it was going to be the next biggest trend.

What I mean by that is your wedding day should be all about you and who you are as a couple. So how you style your wedding and dress your rooms on the day is the perfect opportunity to showcase this and give you guests a real sense of YOU. Think about how you imagine you day to look – will it be a grand affair with flowers everywhere or will it be more intimate with personal touches?

Figuring out what wedding styles you like sounds easy but if you’re anything like me you could be changing your mind every few minutes when something else sparkly and pretty catches your eye.

Pinterest/ Instagram/ Wedding Blogs/ Styled Shoots are just some of the fab tools online for pulling ideas from. But I think our favourite, (and the world’s) is Pinterest - the world’s favourite digital moodboard! And it’s so easy to use too. Create a profile (here’s ours) and a wedding board (maybe even a few different ones until you narrow down what style you prefer) search a few key words and get pinning! It’s also perfect to share with your bride tribe down the line to get sharing ideas.

Something we as a venue always ask prospective couples is “ How do you envisage your special day?” “What vibe do you want?” “Have you thought through styling ideas?”.
Now you’ve had chance to explore ideas and answer those questions, when you come to look for potential venues, you’ll naturally find yourself picturing yourselves there even more so!

Talking of venues, the next step will mark the half way point on this 12 days of wedding planning journey and we will be starting that all important venue search. I bet you can’t wait - I’m excited for you!

If you like what you see so far, then we’ve plenty more for you…



Wedding Coordinator

Our lovely Katie comes from a fashion background, so not only very creative and organised but super passionate about weddings. A winning combination!

She loves it when couples push the boundaries and try different ideas for their weddings, so don’t be scared to ask her to create any weird and wonderful concepts you may have!

What is Katie’s favourite part of a wedding? “When the wedding couple come out of the ceremony room once they are married, they are so happy and it’s lovely being one of the first people to congratulate them!”

What else should we know about Katie? She is a Mum to some very cute kitties!


